Anita Davine
Vice President, Interfaith Network
Deep listening leads to hopeful and compassionate responses in word and action.
This paraphrase of Litany for Listeners from a Guide for Spiritual Conversation (Michael Hansen S.J.) was evidenced in a recent Interfaith Schools Gathering at the Springvale Town Hall. The theme for the event was ‘Sharing the Load.’ Participants listened respectfully to students reading information about each of the major faith traditions and then joined in presenting songs and drama to depict what ‘Sharing the Load’ means to them. May we all adopt this prayer in our homes, work places and community to promote peace, harmony, understanding and hope in our world today.
Creator God, Open our ears, our whole being that we may become a listening presence to each other and enjoy the gift of our dialogue and conversation.
Give us the generosity to listen with openness.
The wisdom to understand what is heard.
The strength to be changed by what is shared.
The listening that never judges and humility to learn from others.
Increase in us the peace to forgive and be forgiven
The grace to honour both loss and gift
The acceptance that allows failure to be shared
The prudence that treasures silence after word.
Ground in us the freedom that allows mystery
The joy to celebrate new things found
The readiness for laughter when it rises
The reverence to listen with humble love
The awe to hear you speaking in us.
Thank you. Amen
Anita Davine, Vice President, Interfaith Network
Enquiries regarding the Interfaith Network,
City of Greater Dandenong administration@interfaithnetwork.org.au or 8774 7662.
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