About The Interfaith Network
A Brief History
Established in 1989 as the first Interfaith Network in Australia, the Network consists of various traditional and multi-faith groups guided by a simple and powerful message – promoting understanding and respect for each other’s beliefs by living together in peace and goodwill.
The Interfaith Network covers faith communities in the Springvale, Dandenong, Keysborough and Nobel Park areas. The Network strives to achieve the vision of ‘Many Faiths, One People’.
The ‘heartbeat’ of the Interfaith Network is our Members. As a Network, our members presence, service and work has greatly enriched the City of Greater Dandenong. The Network consists of leaders of the Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Islamic, Jewish and Sikh faiths and their communities. The spiritual organisations of the Sathya Sai and the Brahma Kumaris are also members of the network. If you are interested in becoming a Member, please visit Join Us for further information.
Please visit the Executive Committee Section to view the Interfaith Network’s current Executive Committee and Staffing Team.
Interfaith Network Strategic Objectives and Implementation Plan, 2024 – 2027
The IFN Implementation Plan, 2024 – 2027 details the actions to be undertaken to progress the 5 Strategic Objectives to completion.
The Network offers a calendar of events and opportunities for Members, individuals and organisations aligned with our vision and values, throughout the year including:
- Annual Signing of the Common Statement (August 2024)
- Tours of Places of Worship within the City of Greater Dandenong. Offered throughout the year, the Tours are open to primary and secondary students and teachers, specific interest groups including local businesses, sporting clubs, service clubs and members of the public.
- Annual Combined Schools Interfaith Gathering (October 2024)
- Annual Talking Faith Forum. The theme for this year is ‘Youth, Identity and Faith’ (November 2024)
- Fortnightly offering of prayers at Council meetings by Faith Leaders.
- Weekly offering of Messages of Hope published in the Dandenong Star Journal.
- Regular IFN Members Meetings.
- Involvement in celebrating community festivals like Sumnation, Harmony Day and Volunteers Week.
- Creating opportunities to share Faith beliefs and practices.
- Creating resources and supports to support our Faith and Spiritual Leaders.
- Providing resources for public events and multi-faith gatherings in times of significant world events.
- Annual General Meeting (September 2024).
- Harmony Week Event (March 2025).
- National Volunteer Week (May 2025).
- Opportunities to Volunteer with us.
For further information about our activities, please visit our Events Section.
For further information about Membership, please visit our Join Us Section.
For further information about Volunteering, please visit our IFN Opportunities section.
What The Interfaith Network Is and Is Not
The IFN is:
- is an opportunity for dialogue and understanding
The IFN is not:
- is not an opportunity for religious argument
- is a way of living mutual respect and understanding
- is not an opportunity for conversion and proselytization
- is a positive recognition of different faiths and spiritual traditions
- is not a forum for exclusive religious claims
- is a celebration of individuality and identity of each tradition
- is not a compromise of any individual faith tradition
- is held together by human values and good-will
- is not a jealous guarding of acquired or presumed rights and privileges
- is a partnership of many faith communities and the civic authority
- is not the creation of any particular faith community
The Interfaith Network is an Incorporated body, and is governed by several rules.
Processes & Structures
Local faith leaders and faith representatives of faith communities, who support the ideals of the Common Statement and sign it, belong to the Interfaith Network. The faith leaders and faith representatives attend meetings, contribute to the development of the Network, assist in planning, and participate in activities of the Network. After participating as observers, faith leaders and faith representatives may formalise their community membership by signing the Common Statement at the Annual Gathering.
Common Statement
Faith Leaders of the Interfaith Network of the City of Greater Dandenong sign a Common Statement, affirming their commitment to the City of Greater Dandenong, and their commitment to work together for peace, harmony and understanding in the community.