The 2024 Annual Interfaith School Gathering celebrated the United Nations theme “Sharing the Load,” focusing on unity, support, and collaboration. Over 400 students from 8 local schools participated, each representing one of the 9 major Faiths. The Faiths included Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Brahma Kumaris, Sathya Sai, and Hinduism alongside the respective Faith Leader.
The event provided a rich exchange of culture and spirituality, fostering understanding and inclusivity. With inspiring performances and shared learning, the day was a resounding success, leaving a lasting sense of community among students, teachers, and faith leaders.

Event MC Lincoln with Faith and Community Leaders within the City of Greater Dandenong

Getting ready to welcome 400 participants!

David Dryden, Yorta Yorta Elder (Shepparton) Thank you Dave, you were inspiring!

Thank you Lincoln – Top marks as MC!

‘Love your Neighbour’ artwork designed by St Mary’s Primary School – Great work!

Thank you everybody for a great event, see you again in 2025!

Faith and Community Leaders within the City of Greater Dandenong, welcome friends from the Monash Interfaith Network
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