Helen Heath OAM
Interfaith Network Executive Officer - November 2021 to March 2024
Helen has been involved as a volunteer with the Interfaith Network of the City of Greater Dandenong since 2000, serving as President from 2004 – 2010 and 2013 – 2014 and as Tours to Places of Worship Coordinator for many years.
With a background in youth and family welfare, Helen has been a Community Organiser for the 2009 Melbourne Parliament of the World’s Religions, Interim Multifaith Officer for the Faith Communities Council of Victoria and Executive Officer of the Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia (JCMA).
In 2021, in response to the growing nature of the Interfaith Network, Helen began employment as the inaugural Executive Officer for the Interfaith Network of the City of Greater Dandenong. This followed her employment as the inaugural Interfaith Networks Development Officer, a position that was established in November 2014.
In 2006 Helen was the City of Greater Dandenong’s ‘Citizen of the Year’ and in 2009 she received a “Community Volunteer Meritorious Service Award” from the Hindu Foundation. In 2011, Helen received an Order of Australia (OAM) “For service to the community of Dandenong”. And in December 2012 she received the Government of Victoria Award for Excellence in Multicultural Affairs, Meritorious Service Award “For outstanding voluntary contribution to the multicultural community of Greater Dandenong”.
At the Australia Day Awards 2024, Helen was honoured to receive the award of “Living Treasure” of the City of Greater Dandenong.
Helen appreciates the creative aspects of life and enjoys encouraging different expressions of this in interfaith relationships. In another space and time, Helen is “Rhubarb” the whiteface, silent clown who specialises in exploring spirituality through gentle humour, colour and symbol.
Helen is married to Colin and has three wonderful adult children: Jared, Tamar and Jesse.
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