In August 2009, the Interfaith Network celebrated its 20th anniversary. This was an important milestone for the Network and for the wider community as the Interfaith Network of the City of Greater Dandenong is the oldest network in Australia.
To celebrate and mark this significant occasion, the Interfaith Network hosted a National Interfaith Grassroots Conference and Celebration. The aims of the Conference were to facilitate dialogue and help create all-important networks between peoples of different faiths and regions, to inspire, support and encourage those involved in the interfaith scene, and to allay fears of those who are wary of involvement in interfaith dialogue.
The key speakers were Dr Pushpa Wood, a founding member of the Wellington Interfaith Council and New Zealand National Women’s Interfaith Forum, and Waleed Aly, well-known Melbourne media personality and author. The Conference was also an official event in the lead-up to the Parliament of the World’s Religions – the largest international, interfaith gathering in the world – held in Melbourne, December 2009.

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