Bill Kean
Baha’i Community of Greater Dandenong
The turmoil now convulsing human affairs, and which appears to be gaining momentum, is unprecedented and many of its consequences enormously destructive. Many of the international ‘norms and conventions ‘ that have served us well in the past and have helped to stabilise the world, have now been cast aside, by some despotic regimes seeking to gain a strategic advantage over their adversaries. The world’s equilibrium has been upset and there is no going back. We must rid ourselves of the notion that conflict is an intrinsic feature of human nature, as it is negated by the fact that we all possess freewill.
‘A kindly tongue is the lodestone of the hearts of men…..’
It is essential to realise that world order can only be founded on an unshakeable belief in the oneness of humankind, a spiritual truth which all the human sciences confirm. Anthropology, physiology, psychology, recognise only one human species. We live in one country, the earth, the home of all peoples and the members of one family.
The unification of the worlds’ populace is not a utopian vision nor a matter of choice, it is the next evolutionary stage in the development of human progress and the advancement of humanity. We believe that the welfare of the community must take precedence over the promptings of our own self-interests.
There is no doubt that living by the Golden Rule, ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ would have a worldly transformational effect overnight, if implemented. The hallmarks of a decent and caring society are Justice, Courtesy, Tolerance and Respect.
We cannot allow ourselves to be affiliated with or manipulated by the ‘sowers of dissension’ nor give the TV and radio shock-jocks the chance to infiltrate our thinking.
If we really want to heal the world, we must adopt a change of attitude. Unity is our only hope.
“So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.” ( Baha’i Writings )
Bill Kean
Baha’i Community of Greater Dandenong
Enquiries regarding the Interfaith Network, City of Greater Dandenong administration@interfaithnetwork.org.au or 8774 7662.
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