Interfaith Network of the

City of Greater Dandenong

Many Faiths, One People

Diversity in Dandenong

The Interfaith Network is a group of diverse cultural and religious faiths, working in partnership with the City of Greater Dandenong council to promote peace and harmony within the municipality.

The Network strives to achieve the vision of ‘Many Faiths, One People’.

Understanding, Respect, Tolerance

The Network is the first established Interfaith Network in Australia, and consists of various traditional and multi-faith groups. Their goal is simple – promoting understanding, respect, and tolerance for each other’s beliefs by living together in peace and goodwill.

The Interfaith Network covers faith communities and spiritual organisations in the City of Greater Dandenong.

Common Statement

Faith Leaders of the Interfaith Network of the City of Greater Dandenong sign a Common Statement, affirming their commitment to the City of Greater Dandenong, and their commitment to work together for peace, harmony and understanding in the community.