Seeking Assistance?
The Interfaith Network does not receive funding to provide direct assistance to people seeking help with:
- Cost of living
- Material aid
- Food assistance
- Housing costs and options
- Energy relief
- Family, domestic violence as well as other support that maybe required.
If you are seeking assistance and support and would like to speak with someone who will talk with you about your situation and work with you to find the best option to suit your needs, the following services may be of assistance:
If you are in immediate danger, please call 000.
Salvation Army Crisis Contact Centre, Free call 1800 627 727, State-wide telephone service for anyone experiencing homelessness in Victoria. They are available to help you find information and a direct referral into homelessness services.
Safe Steps, 24-7 Family Violence Response Centre, You can contact our 24-7 telephone line anytime of the day or night and our family violence specialists will support you to find safety from domestic abuse. Free call, state-wide 1800 015 188.
Financial Counselling Victoria. Free. Confidential. Independent. Financial counsellors provide free, independent, and non-judgemental information, advice, advocacy and support to people experiencing or at risk of financial difficulty. Please visit to locate a financial counsellor near you.
Lifeline: Call 13 11 14 or visit Providing 24/7 assistance to people experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Mental health and wellbeing local. Victorians aged 26 years and over can get support closer to home from their new Mental Health and Wellbeing local. All support is free, and you don’t need a referral. Call or email for support now: Free call 1800 332 501. Phone 03 8908 1800. Email:
Beyond Blue: Call 1300 22 36 or visit Need support or information around depression and anxiety, for yourself, a friend, or family member? The Beyond Blue Support Service provides 24/7 advice and support via telephone, webchat, and email.
Kids Help Line: Free call 1800 55 1800 or visit Providing confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling services for young people aged 5 to 25.
Other helpful information and resources
- Material Aid and Emergency Relief Services
- A Guide: Family Violence Intervention Orders in the Magistrates’s Court
- A Guide: Magistrates’ Court
- Greater Dandenong, City of Opportunity, Positive Ageing and Connections in Greater Dandenong, ‘A Guide to Local Services, Clubs and Activities for Older People’, First Edition, Printed 2024
- Community Resources for Dandenong and Surrounds