Messages of Hope and Resources

The following resources have been created by The Interfaith Network of the City of Greater Dandenong.

Messages of Hope, Encouraging and Inspiring Words of Reflection

The future is a canvas …

The future is a canvas …

  In the vast expanse of life’s journey, every dawn brings with it a promise of renewal and endless possibilities.  No matter how dark the night may seem, the sun always rises, painting the world with light and warmth.  This cycle reminds us that hope is...

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In a Divided World, Hope Must Endure

In a Divided World, Hope Must Endure

  We live in a tense period in our global history.  The connections of empathetic world citizenship – the openness to see value in others different from ourselves – are deeply strained.  Extremism is prevalent in politics, religion, and nationalism, driven by...

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