What our Tour Guides are saying about IFN’s Places of Worship Tours!

‘My introduction to Places of Worship Tours was on a Public Tour nine years ago. It was an eye-opening experience where I met other likeminded people wanting to learn more about other faith traditions. My involvement as a tour guide complemented my role as an educator and enriched my life as I met many students and adults who were eager to learn more about other cultures and faith traditions. The tours help us explore the Interfaith Network’s logo ‘Many Faiths, One People.’ They make real our values as we promote diversity, education, respect, integrity, and harmony. I encourage all members of our community to experience the extraordinary contribution that each of our faith leaders offer during these tours, helping us to appreciate and learn from each other’
– Anita Davine, IFN Vice President, December 2024

‘I have been involved in interfaith network tours for many years. During this time, we have escorted people of many ages, faiths, interests, and jobs to many places of worship.
This has included mosques, churches, Buddhist vihara, Vietnamese temples, Brahma Kumari, Hari Krishna, and synagogues. The most valuable of these have been the schools, where young people have been able to learn about many faiths and religions on site. I got a lot from it learning myself and then being able to pass on what I have learned into the community. Because you never stop learning. Hopefully then the wider community gets to learn about the interfaith network is and what is does’
– Roz Blades AM, IFN Member, December 2024

‘Having had the privilege to serve as a Tour Guide over a number of years, be it on the IFN Tours for the General Public, Schools, Organisations – all are of benefit to those attending, including the Tour Guide, in helping to gain a clearer understanding of the many Faiths, Spiritual Organisations visited on these Tours. An opportunity also arises to respectfully ask questions in person of the venue hosts, who willingly give of their time to accommodate these important Tours, and where a warm welcome is extended at each Place of Worship visited. Going on a Tour is a time well spent, both educational and enjoyable, and another benefit for the community as a whole.’
Agnes Kean – IFN Founding Member

‘For the last six years, I have been a Tour Guide on many of the IFN Places of Worship Tours. I have mainly led the Tours for school children and their teachers. Most of the students were doing an assignment on other religions and thus their focus has been from an academic sense to complete their assignments. On all occasions the students were keen to experience other faiths. On one occasion, I was a Tour Guide for a group of teachers who had a curriculum day. The teachers were engaging and very keen to understand other faiths. On this Tour, one of the teachers shared that their school has students from many different faiths and was keen to understand other faiths to enable them ( teachers ) to understand their faith needs including significant festivals. I too have personally benefited in understanding the other faiths over time’
– Rienzie

‘Being part of the Interfaith Tours has been an incredibly rewarding experience. As a tour guide, I’ve seen how these tours create a safe space for people to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and gain a deeper understanding of different faiths and cultures. Watching participants connect with Faith Leaders and share in their stories is always inspiring. These tours don’t just educate, they break down barriers, foster mutual respect, and help build a stronger, more united community. The positive feedback we receive from participants is a testament to the lasting impact these tours have on individuals and the broader community.’
– Paris Sard, IFN Community Education Officer, December 2024
IFN’s Places of Worship Tours

Welcomed at Jewish Synagogue (St Kilda) with host Faith Leader Rabbi Yaakov Glasman, December 11th, 2024.
Thank you, Rabbi Yaakov, for your warm welcome, encouraging words, knowledge sharing.

Welcomed at Turkish Islamic and Cultural Centre (Keysborough) with host Faith Leader Imam Muazzam, December 11th, 2024.
Thank you, Imam Muzzam, and Sisters, for your warm welcome, encouraging words, knowledge sharing.

Welcomed at Sikh Gurdwara (Keysborough) with host Faith Leader Jasbir Singh, December 11th, 2024.
Thank you Jasbir for your warm welcome, encouraging words, knowledge sharing and next time we will share a meal in the community kitchen!

Places of Worship – Public Tour participants enjoyed some delicious lunch together, December 11th, 2024.

IFN Staff, Paris Sard and Liv Carusi, 8.00am start on our final Places of Worship for 2024 – Waiting to greet our Tour participants! Thanks everybody for a great day of learning and conversation!