Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 4 Interfaith Network (IFN)City of Greater DandenongVolunteer Application Form The Interfaith Network of the City of Greater Dandenong (IFN) welcomes your application to Volunteer. Please review, complete, date and sign your application and email to For further information about Volunteering with IFN, please visit our website and/or contact our Executive Officer, Livia Carusi, via Personal Information First Name *Surname *Residential Address *Address Line 1CityState / Province / RegionPostal CodePhone Number *Email Address *Preferred Language Spoken *(This information will assist IFN in the production of resources in community languages.)Identified Faith *Next IFN Requires The IFN require all Executive Committee Members, Staff and Volunteers to hold a current Working with Children Check and a National Police Check. The costs associated with the required checks will be met by the IFN. 1. Current Victorian Driver’s Licence Please attach copy of your licenceVictorian Driver’s Licence 2. Do you have a current Working with Children CheckPlease attach copy of your WWC CheckWorking with Children Check3. If you do not have a Working with Children Check, you do agree to apply for a Working with Children Check YesNo in referees (please 4. Do you have a current National Police CheckPlease attach copy of your Police CheckNational Police Check5. If you do not have a National Police Check, do you agree to apply for a National Police CheckYesNo6. Current resume *Please attach your ResumeResume * 7. Contact details for 2 referees Name *Phone *Email *Name *Phone *Email *8. Emergency ContactName *Phone *Email *Relationship to youPreviousNext Applicants Interest I am interested in applying as a Volunteer with IFN because (please complete) Your Volunteer Interest? Please number in order of preference (up to 3) 1. Places of Worship Tour Guide2. Events Planning3. Project Management4. Student PlacementPlease describe the placement request, including the studies being undertaken.5. Office Administration and Support6. Media and Communications7. Other, please specify Your Availability Which day(s) are you available? *How often would you like to volunteer? WeeklyFortnightlyMonthlyHow many hours would you like to volunteer? *PreviousNext Submitting your application I submit my application to Volunteer with the Interfaith Network of the City of Greater Dandenong. *In submitting my application to Volunteer, I agree to: Support and adhere to the vision and values of the organisation, Support and adhere to Volunteering policies and procedures as approved from time to time by the elected Executive Committee, Provide consent for the collection, storage and use of my information for the sole purpose of IFN activities, including receiving event invitations, If my circumstances change, including my contact details, I will contact IFN within 14 business days and notify of my changes, If I Volunteer for IFN I will provide a current Working with Children Check and a National Police Check as part of the organisation's commitment to a child-safe organisation, and Promote and support IFN’s commitment to a child-safe organisation, and the promotion and protection of the rights of children and young people within our community. Signature of Applicant * Clear Signature Date *Submit