Past Events
A Brief Summary of the Early History of the Network
We need to go back to August 1988 when the then City of Springvale embarked on a 2 year Access & Equity Project. The CEO Mr Ian Tatterson asked the Project Officer Ms Joyce Rebeiro to come up with a proposal for a community relations strategy aimed at promoting...
2021 AGM
The Interfaith Network of Greater Dandenong held its 2021 Annual General Meeting on August 4th. Due to COVID restrictions, the AGM had to be held over Zoom, but this didn't stop us from hearing a great message on 'Interfaith Education as Harm Prevention' from our...
Interfaith Network hosts the 2019 Victorian Interfaith Networks Conference
The Interfaith Network of the City of Greater Dandenong hosted the Victorian Interfaith Networks Conference on November 17, 2009. Proudly sponsored by The City of Greater Dandenong, the event saw over 200 people gather at the Springvale City Hall for the conference....
United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week 2017
Bright and early on Saturday morning, 4 February 2017, almost before the sun was up, over 70 people from various faith communities and neighbouring interfaith networks, members of the police force, community leaders and people working in the area of Family Violence...
The Welcome Tours Film Launch
On Thursday 17 November a special film, “The Welcome Tours” was launched by the Interfaith Network of the City of Greater Dandenong in the theatre of The Walker Street Gallery and Art Centre, Dandenong. “The Welcome Tours” were conducted by the Interfaith Network as...
Multifaith Blessing of the Interfaith Office
In celebration and recognition that the Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network office had been open for a year, a “Blessing of the Interfaith Office” was held on Wednesday 7 September 2016. A representative of each of the faiths and spiritual organisations in the...
Talking Faith? Forum – Judaism
Judaism was featured in the "Talking Faith?" Forum organised by City of Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network and Dandenong Library in their annual panel discussion to shine the light on major religions in order to promote dialogue, respect and understanding. Five...
Promoting Equality and Respect – An Interfaith Collaboration on Preventing Family Violence
On Wednesday 30 September 2015, in partnership with the City of Greater Dandenong, the Interfaith Network held a public launch of a faith-based resource to prevent family violence in the community. The event 'Promoting Equality and Respect: An Interfaith Collaboration...
Cultural Diversity Week – Open House 2015 Visits
During Cultural Diversity Week 2015, the City of Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network hosted an Open House to places of worship from Sunday 14 March to Sunday 22 March, 2015. I had the good fortune to make use of this opportunity to visit two places of worship that...