As President of the Interfaith Network,  I know how important it is to continue to find ways to communicate on a regular basis with our Members, partners, supporters, and friends of our Network.  Our commitment to regular communication and different ways of communicating is also shared by our Executive Committee and Staffing Team.

Supporting our website and led by our Community Education Officer, Paris Sard, is our recent introduction of our IFN Digital platform, which has the goal of broadening our reach within the City of Greater Dandenong. 

Like our website, our digital platform will share information and raise awareness on the important work and service of the Network, our Members, and encourage others to share in our vision of ‘Many Faiths, One People’.

Each month, I will be posting a message on some of the Network’s priorities and our continued progress towards bringing our vision to life.

I am pleased to share that the Executive Committee has ratified its three-year strategic plan and shortly the plan will be posted on our website. 

The strategic plan outlines our objectives and the actions that will be undertaken to support the objectives.  This said, the plan is also flexible, encouraging new ideas and priorities that maybe identified by our Members that should be pursued by IFN. 

Other news to share: 

  • In the next few weeks information will be shared on our first Members meeting in 2024 as well as our Annual General Meeting.  We hope to see many of you there! 
  • Our Executive Officer, Livia and the team are also coordinating a Recruitment Information Session for potential Tour Guides, and we hope that you may consider attending and, or tapping a friend on the shoulder who may like to learn more about this volunteering opportunity and the critical role our Tours have in building connections, sharing information, and starting conversations around diversity and place for all. 
  • With the continued and growing interest in our Tours, over the coming weeks, we will be transitioning our booking system to an online system, for Tour Registrations, Bookings and Payments, noting the option for invoicing will remain.

 Thank you for your continued service, and work within the community and support of IFN.